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A Ministry of Word of Grace Studies

You be diligent to present yourself approved by God, an unashamed workman cutting straight the word of the truth.


We exist to change the lives of believers through equipping them to live out who they are in Christ by edifying the body of the Christ (the Church) while coming to a oneness of faith through a full experiential knowledge of the Son of God unto a mature person according to the stature of the fullness of Christ so that we are no longer tossed around by every wind of teaching by the trickery of men who cunningly seek to deceive the saints.


The verb is the part of a sentence that expresses the action or state of being. Some verbs require an object to complete the sentence where others do not due to their inherent meaning. Transitive or intransitive is a characteristic of the verb, not expressed or modified by the voice. Transitive verbs take a direct object. Intransitive verbs do not need a direct object to complete their meaning.


In the Greek language, it is important to understand that the relationship of the noun to the other words in the sentence always governs the case. Hence, although Genitive and Ablative share the same endings, they are clearly distinguished within the context and function of the sentence. There are eight cases in the Greek language: Nominative, Genitive, Ablative, Dative, Locative, Instrumental, Accusative, and Vocative.


Adjectives refer to nouns in two ways: either as an attribute or as a predicate.


Function as both verb and adjective.

Greek Suffixes and Their Meanings

Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives


A word placed typically before a noun or pronoun used in place of a noun and indicates the relationships of that noun or pronoun to a verb, an adjective, or another noun or pronoun.


The Hebrew alphabet has twenty-two consonants. The Hebrew language is written from the right to the left. Five consonants are modified when at the end of a word. Six consonants have two ways of pronunciation (hard and soft).


The Original Writings of Hebrew do not use vowels. The Palestinian System was developed to preserve proper pronunciation and meaning after the language ceased to be a living language. This system employs points and signs above, below, and within the consonant letters.


Gutturals (ח ה ע א) are consonants that due to being breathings have specific characteristics to them. They cannot be doubled, therefore, they will not accept a daghesh forte.


A general rule to follow for marking the syllable will be: Beginning from the end of the word, find the first full vowel, include the consonant preceding it, and place the dividing mark there.


Prepositions are words prefixed to verbs and nouns to clarify their relationship to other parts of the sentence.

Technical Parts

Daghesh Lene Daghesh Forte Syllable Divider Măppîk Makkeph Interrogative Particle Sign of the Direct Object Accents

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Meet Our Team
Luther Walker
Pastor Walker graduated from the Dispensational Theological Seminary and has served as the lead Pastor for Word of Grace Studies since 2009. He is dedicated to changing the lives of believers through equipping them to live out who they are in Christ, so they are no longer tossed around by every wind of teaching by the trickery of men.

Luther Walker

Pastor Walker graduated from the Dispensational Theological Seminary and has served as the lead Pastor for Word of Grace Studies since 2009. He is dedicated to changing the lives of believers through equipping them to live out who they are in Christ, so they are no longer tossed around by every wind of teaching by the trickery of men.

Parts of Speach Examined
New Words Learned
Sentence Structures
Verses Explored
You, be diligent to present yourself approved to God, an unashamed workman, cutting straight the Word of truth.